
Lotem Porat first discovered yoga at Yoga Bindu, a diverse studio in Barcelona, Spain. She has taken yoga wherever she goes, seeking and finding home from the inside out throughout her extensive travels. 

Lotem is a 200-Hour Yoga Alliance Certified teacher who has studied and taught in various parts of the world since 2010. Currently, she continues her 300-Hour Yoga Alliance Certification with Shiva Rea’s Samudra Global School of Living Yoga, Yogaworks and Diana Lang’s Lifeworks Center for Growth. Lotem continues to learn and apply the knowledge she acquires every day into her studio classes, private individual/ group sessions, fitness clubs, retreat centers, rehabilitation centers and corporate settings.

Lotem bases her teachings on traditional Hatha Yoga and also incorporates Vinyasa, Restorative, Yin Yoga, and Yoga Therapeutics through dynamic sequencing, hands-on assist, verbal cues, and demonstrations tending to individual needs. With a background in Transpersonal Psychology and Reiki, Lotem’s compassionate approach is inspired by various holistic healing modalities. Through meditation, breath-work, and asana, Lotem provides safe space for students to access benefits of balancing physical, emotional, mental and energetic states. She offers tools for students to develop a self-sufficient wholesome practice that they can take with them wherever they go.